Unlock creative potential.

Learn to meditate

Experience the Himalayan Mantra Meditation technique.

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Deepen your practice with Kriya Yoga.

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Meet your creative potential.

My classes and offerings are designed to support your most authentic and powerful life. Within each of us is great vision and potential. Informed by 13+ years of yogic study, my approach helps you tap into this capacity, as you create a life of full expression, connection, and love.

Yoga is about so much more than your physical body.

We all love asana, the physical postures that we practice in yoga. They’re also just a fraction of the vast integrated system that is yoga. Unlocking your creative potential means learning to harness your energy, breath, and intention with more awareness.

If you’ve ever had the feeling that there’s more to the yoga practice than what happens on your mat, your intuition is pointing you in the direction of expansion. Kriya Yoga is a natural next step for mature practitioners looking to deepen their experience.

“Realize there is infinity pulsating inside of you waiting to be discovered.”

— Anand Mehrotra

Learn to meditate

Everything begins in stillness.

Meditation is the foundational practice of living fully. It doesn’t have to be hard, either. Himalayan Mantra Meditation is a beautifully simple technique that actually sticks. Learn how to meditate in three days.

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